Diane webber towanda pa obituary
Diane webber towanda pa obituary

diane webber towanda pa obituary

In volume 50 of the Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Book, I found some new data about "Mary Bowman" the wife of John Croft Barbara Croft's mother, Mary Bowman, was the daughter of the Duke of Baden, Germany and ran away with her father's coachman, coming to America." Bradsby, 1891: "Albert Lent, farmer, Wysox township was born May 4, 1808, in a log house which stood where his barn now is, a son of John and Barbara (Croft) Lent, natives of New York, the former born of Holland origin and the latter of German. , "History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania with Biographical Selections" by Henry C. John Lent, whose mother was a daughter of the Duke of Baden." "After the war he" (Godfrey Vought) "married Polly Croft, sister of , "Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, PA, 1770-ġ800," Vol. Horses through wilderness 15 miles to safty and then returned To drive the livestock to saftly They drove 4 cows and three The battle, Mary sent Polly ages 15 and her 13 year old brother Children blessed their home and John was said to haveīeen killed by the Tories. She sold her jewlery and the bought passage toĪmerica. Shortly before her marriage she escaped with John Croft She was in love with John Croft, her father's

diane webber towanda pa obituary

May Baumaine was theĭaughter of the Duke of Baden. Her jewelry, means were procured to pay the passage to America.Īrriving at New Amsterdam they were married, then joined the settlements by the Hudson."įrom THE VOUGHT FAMILY by Heverly. Small bundle of clothing and escaped with John to the coast. Time fixed by her father for her marriage with the duke Mary took a This announcement was decidedly distasteful to Mary,įor she loved her father's steward, John Croft. The proud and austere parent had betrothed his daughter to a "The mother of Polly Croft was Mary Bowman, daughter of the Duke ofīaden. , "The Vought Family, and reminiscences of Early Times"įrom Address Delivered by C.F. Stilwater with children went into British hands. The coast - sold jewlery went on America Arrived in NewĪmsterdam - married John Croft Killed by Tories Family lived in She loved her father's steward - John Croft Escaped with John to Her father died shortly after and he having no sons, theįrom Le Francois Family Tree. After her husband's death, her father sent for her,īut Captain Rice, the captain of the vessel that was to bring herīack to Germany, sold the ship, pocketed the money and settled in

diane webber towanda pa obituary

She fell in love and eloped with Croft, who was a steward andĬame to America. "The wife of John Croft was a daughter of George Augustus, Duke ofīaden. I found the following in a History book about Bradford County, PA: This branch of the Croft family that he was in the employ of theĭuke of Baden in Germany, and emigrated to America with the duke's Substantiated what I already had regarding John Croft, the head of Gave me some data of the elder Croft families, and he also Randolph Croft (note-see children of John Croft, son of JamesĬroft) who lived near Peekskill, and for whom I had great respect, Their son John were probably buried at or near Stillwater. Here they settled and where all their children were born. They took passage on a vessel sailing up the Hudson River andĭisembarked at the town of Stillwater, Saratoga County, New York, They came toĪmerica on a sailing vessel, landing at New Amsterdam, now New YorkĬity. He married Mariaīaumaine, or Bowman, daughter of the Duke of Baden. "John Kroft, or Croft, was born in Germany. Microfilm from the LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City: "The Chronicles of the Croft Family" by W. However, there are several traditions of a daughter who Many histories claim that August Georg the Margrave of Baden-BadenĪs childless.

diane webber towanda pa obituary

Biography of Augustus George von Zähringen, Margrave of Baden Baden (1706-1771)

Diane webber towanda pa obituary